B12 Injections
In our fast-paced and demanding world, we look for ways to boost our energy levels, improve mood, and enhance our well-being. While a balanced diet and regular exercise are crucial components of a healthy lifestyle, sometimes our bodies need an extra push to chemically perform at their best. That's where vitamin B12 injections come into play.
Increased Energy and Reduced Fatigue
Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in the production of red blood cells and the functioning of your nervous system. When your body lacks sufficient levels of B12, you may experience chronic fatigue and a lack of energy. By directly injecting a dose of B12 into your bloodstream, you can experience a significant increase in energy levels, helping you tackle your daily tasks with renewed vitality.
Enhanced Cognitive Function
Do you ever find yourself struggling with mental clarity, focus, or memory retention? Vitamin B12 is known for its pivotal role in maintaining a healthy brain function. B12 injections have the potential to enhance cognitive abilities, sharpen focus, and improve overall mental performance.
Boosted Mood and Reduced Stress
In this day and age, it is common for individuals to experience heightened stress levels and mood swings. Vitamin B12 injections have been linked to mood improvement by supporting the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for promoting feelings of happiness and well-being. Regular B12 injections can help reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression, allowing you to maintain a positive mindset and better cope with life's challenges.
Increased Metabolism and Weight Loss
For those striving to achieve or maintain a healthy weight, B12 injections can be beneficial. Vitamin B12 stimulates the metabolism, aiding in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, which can lead to weight loss. Furthermore, by boosting your energy levels, B12 injections can help you maintain an active lifestyle and engage in regular exercise, further supporting your weight management goals.
Incorporating B12 injections into your wellness routine can be game-changing, contribute to increased energy levels, enhanced cognitive function, improved mood, and even weight loss. Whether you're an ambitious entrepreneur, a creative enthusiast, or simply looking to live life to the fullest, B12 injections may provide the additional support you need to unlock your true potential.
At Golden Therapeutics, the value of optimizing your well-being is the priority. Anneliese is personally dedicated to providing safe and effective B12 injection therapies tailored to your unique needs. Take the first step towards elevating your physical and mental performance – try B12 injections and experience the transformative benefits they have to offer.
B12 deficiency and the MTHFR Gene Mutation
People feeling persistently fatigued, experiencing difficulty focusing, or battling unexplained mood swings may be struggling to produce an optimal level of vitamin B12. While a deficiency in this crucial vitamin can arise for various reasons, one factor to consider is a mutation in the MTHFR gene, affecting 60% to 70% of the population.
The MTHFR gene plays a vital role in methylation, a biochemical process needed for the body to efficiently use vitamin B12. When the MTHFR gene becomes mutated, impairments in this process occur, leading to reduced absorption and utilization of vitamin B12. As a result, you may experience a deficiency that necessitates the use of B12 injections.
Impaired Absorption: Individuals with an MTHFR gene mutation often exhibit impaired absorption of vitamin B12 from dietary sources alone. As a result, oral supplementation may not be sufficient. B12 injections bypass the digestive system and deliver the vitamin directly into the bloodstream, ensuring optimal absorption and providing the body with the necessary vitamin B12 levels.
Preventing Deficiency Symptoms: Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to a range of unsettling symptoms, such as extreme fatigue, memory problems, tingling sensations in extremities, and even mood disorders. For those with an MTHFR gene mutation, these symptoms may be more pronounced due to the reduced methylation efficiency. Regular B12 injections can prevent and alleviate these symptoms by maintaining adequate vitamin B12 levels in the body.
Supporting Methylation Process: Methylation plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including DNA synthesis, detoxification, and neurotransmitter production. As the MTHFR gene mutation affects methylation efficiency, B12 injections can compensate for the impaired process by providing an external source of vitamin B12. This support helps maintain optimal methylation and subsequently supports proper detoxification.
Enhancing Energy Levels: An MTHFR gene mutation can significantly impact energy levels, leaving individuals feeling chronically fatigued and lacking vitality. B12 is known for its role in energy production and boosting metabolism. By directly increasing the B12 levels in the body, injections can help combat fatigue and reinvigorate energy levels, allowing individuals to reclaim their zest for life.
One way to find out if you have this gene mutation is to test for it through a blood or saliva test from many online services, or ask your primary care provider to test your homocysteine levels, and if these are elevated, you may not be methylating properly.
Methylation and Detoxification
Methylation, a vital biochemical process occurring within our cells, plays a pivotal role in detoxification. It involves the addition of a methyl group to various molecules, including DNA, proteins, and neurotransmitters. This simple modification regulates gene expression and profoundly impacts numerous biological functions, especially those related to detoxification pathways.
Detoxification is the body's mechanism for eliminating harmful substances, such as environmental toxins, heavy metals, and metabolic byproducts. Methylation helps to neutralize and eliminate these toxins by converting them into water-soluble substances that can be easily excreted out of the body.
Through its sweeping influence, methylation supports the function of crucial detoxification enzymes, such as glutathione-S-transferases, which play a central role in eliminating numerous toxins from the body. Additionally, methylation helps activate certain enzymes that transform toxins into more manageable forms, enabling their safe elimination.
However, impaired methylation can hinder the body's ability to efficiently detoxify, leaving us more susceptible to the harmful effects of environmental pollutants and toxins. Factors like nutrient deficiencies, chronic stress, certain medications, and genetic variations can all contribute to altered methylation patterns.
Recognizing the significance of methylation in detoxification is essential for maintaining optimal health. By supporting healthy methylation through balanced nutrition, targeted supplementation like B12 injections, stress management, and lifestyle adjustments, we can enhance our body's natural detoxification processes and protect ourselves from the potential hazards of a toxic world.

Golden Therapeutics only utilizes Methylcobalamin B12 injections, which is naturally derived, and bioavailable.
This service is often combined with Glutathione injections, which are ideal to tackle toxins acquired due to poor methylation and B12 deficiency.
B12 and Glutathione injections are available as a single service to new patients, and also as an add on to your Acupuncture session, or BioEnergetics (Acupuncture and Pranic Healing) appointment.
Who Should Not Supplement With B12 Injections?
While vitamin B12 injections can be beneficial for many, there are certain individuals who should avoid B12 supplementation, or approach it with caution. It is essential to consult with your primary care provider.
Individuals with normal B12 levels: If your B12 levels are within the normal range, there is generally no need for B12 injections. Over supplementation may lead to imbalances or unwanted side effects.
People with specific medical conditions: Some medical conditions, such as iron disorders, kidney disease, or certain types of cancers, may interfere with the body's ability to process or utilize vitamin B12 injections efficiently. Consulting with a healthcare professional is vital to assess the suitability of B12 supplementation in such cases.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women should monitor their B12 levels, as they may high due to PreNatal vitamins, even if these are not bioavailable.
Persons on certain medications: Some medications can interact with B12 injections and affect their efficacy or cause adverse effects. Medications such as metformin, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), and some antibiotics may interfere with B12 absorption or utilization. It is crucial to discuss potential interactions with a healthcare professional before adding B12 injections to the medication regimen.
Remember, this is not an exhaustive list, and individual circumstances matter when deciding on B12 supplementation. It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice based on your specific health condition, medication use, and overall nutritional needs.