Twin Hearts Meditation is an ancient energetic technology used to cleanse and energize the body and spirit, while clearing emotional tension.
Like a spiritual shower, it brings relief from stress, negativity, and limiting emotional patterns. Feelings of positivity, resilience, hope, and inner peace fill you up, and you can take part in a world you feel more hope for.
Through a karmic exchange of your willingness to be an energetic conduit for the benefit of Earth and all it’s beings, the gift of inner healing is received.
Forgiveness Meditation
A well lived life is filled with moments of having the courage and vulnerability to trust others, to take risks, and make mistakes. Not all our choices pan out, and sometimes we experience regret in our involvement with people and situations. There are some choices we don’t consciously make, like who our parents are, or how we are treated by strangers we become deeply entangled with.
Wether it’s a daily thought, an “ick” connected to an aspect of our lives, or a Trauma, the person or event is held within us with negative emotions. This affects our physical health, mental health, and spiritual health, sometimes decades later, even if we’ve buried it down past our consciousness.
Sometimes the person we need to forgive is ourselves. We’ve all made an errant choice when we were young, immature, before we learned the lesson surrounding a mistake.
There are so many ways to deal with trauma, and I hope you pursue any and all that resonate, considering tools outside your comfort zone. Take charge of your path forward, let go, and flourish.
The energetics of this powerful meditation brings relief to your current state, positively affects your psychoneuroimmunology history, cuts the ties to the others involved, and affects your life going forward. It is interesting to experience how your life can change when you’ve relinquished their hold on you.