BioEnergetics: The transformation of energy in living organisms.

Among the wide variety of modalities that treat and bring alignment to the biochemical aspect of the patient, as well as their energy makeup, is Pranic Healing.
Pranic Healing is highly effective energy medicine for physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

This modern energy medicine utilizes detailed protocols developed from experiment and evidence-based research. It is a powerful modality for receiving energy in a deeply transformative way, safely, and efficiently. I use Pranic Healing alone or combined in with acupuncture, to magnify and solidify the results that can be achieved in one session, treating physical and emotional ailments simultaneously at their root and manifestation. Through this modality, I can offer you needle-free acupuncture.
Pranic Healing can renew the way you approach relationships, shift your body’s physiology, and reset mental patterns to make way for the positive change you are working to implement. It’s applications are wide, though specifically integrated with precision into your treatment.
Prana is the Sanskrit word for energy, and Qi. It is what life is made of, it is the air we breathe, the light from the sun, and what gives us life force from consuming food. Everything is energy, even our thoughts, our drive, and proclivities. This modality interacts with your prana to clear out stagnation and replace it with specific types of prana to replenish, correct, and renew your physical body, emotional patterns, and lift your spirit.
Skepticism around energy healing is normal if you haven’t had much experience with it. It’d be odd to believe in something you haven’t felt yet. Patients with healthy skepticism experiencing Pranic Healing for the first time sink into deep relaxation. After treatment they remark feeling lighter, more positive, calmly energized, and clear headed. The magnificent results and positive changes are the reasons I began to offer this service to my patients, though I started as a curious skeptic myself. I relish in my patient’s eager enthusiasm to unbind their potential through the Transformative Self-Development series. Witnessing their quantum leap, unfettered by previous limitations, is truly a spectacular privilege.
Pranic Physical Therapy
Pranic physical therapy clears blockages, and energizes debilitation in the body. These have manifested as pain, swelling, or disfunction. Through Pranic Healing impaired passages of the body's energy system are reestablished and corrected
Disharmony in the physical body affects your energetic blueprint, and vice versa. By making safe changes in the energy body, the physical equivalent comes to balance. Joint pain, headaches, heartburn, fatigue, a “knot” in your gut, “lump” in your throat, and general inflammation are just a handful of examples this modality can correct, or complement treatment for.
Pranic Psychotherapy
Most often the root of dis-ease sprouts from mental and emotional patterns. These color your life experience, and dictate how you deal with it. This branch of Pranic Healing provides renewal from vivid emotions, heavy mental overwork, and is an indispensable tool for making a quantum leap in clinical therapy with your mental health professional, as well as releasing your mind and physical body from addictions you are ready to leave behind.