The NADA Protocol
The NADA Protocol is used in treatment, in Shared Experiences, and is available as a public service for the community.
The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association has refined a protocol after completing decades of research. This protocol involves 5 specific points on the auricle of the ear stimulated with sterilized, one-time use acupuncture needles, or ear ‘seeds’, which are small stickers of different materials. The NADA protocol greatly supports people suffering from PTSD, addiction, chronic stress and pain.
Auricular acupuncture is relaxing, and rejuvenating. Several people can be organized into groups to receive this type of acupuncture in different kinds of settings, be it a conference hall, break room, yoga studio, classroom, requiring patients to simply sit for 15 to 40 minutes. Their experience leaves them replenished inner peace, clarity, a brighter disposition, and more physical & mental energy to function properly.
People suffering from emotional stress, recovering from substance abuse, disasters, or trauma, and professionals in careers of high steaks, greatly benefit from receiving acupuncture, especially the NADA protocol. Even families undergoing grief, divorce or discord can gather together to receive this treatment in their own living room, for tapping into empathy, better communication, and renewed faith in their interactions. Imagine your local police officers, firemen and women, first responders like EMTs, nurses, teachers, having their stress reduced and being cared for by the community. What a great way to thank these great humans for their service to our community. When chronic stress is reduced decision making is greatly improved, and our city shines bright.
This treatment is easy and simple to provide, even outside of an acupuncture office. Several people, between 3 and 30 people can set aside half an hour to an hour to sit together either in chairs or laying down on a yoga mat, and I quickly sterilize the ear with alcohol, then painlessly place the 5 points on one ear of each recipient. After the time has elapsed, the needles are removed, properly disposed of, and recipients easily walk away refreshed to continue with their day. I’d recommend that if it’s a person’s first time receiving acupuncture, they eat a little something before starting.
Please contact me if you’d like to organize a group to receive acupuncture, wether it’s for people of service to the community, people recovering from PTSD, addiction, or chronic pain, or if you’d like to invite me to provide this for your family.