Community Events

Twin Hearts Meditation & Cacao

Twin Hearts Meditation & Cacao

Twin Hearts Meditation is an ancient energetic technology used to cleanse and energize the body and spirit, while clearing emotional tension.

Like a spiritual shower, it brings relief from stress, negativity, and limiting emotional patterns. Feelings of positivity, resilience, hope, and inner peace fill you up, and you can take part in a world you feel more hope for.

Through a karmic exchange of your willingness to be an energetic conduit for the benefit of Earth and all it’s beings, the gift of inner healing is received.

At Lantana Public Library

Downloard your personal copy.

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Le Prego Expo

Le Prego Expo

Meet the acupuncturist! Find out what acupuncture can help you with at the stage you’re in, or heading into. Know you have this holistic resource for a healthy baby, easier pregnancy, birth experience, postpartum vitality and mental resilience,

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Book Club

Book Club

Lets meet and discuss “Maiden To Mother: Unlocking Our Archetypal Journey into the Mature Feminine” by Sarah Durham Wilson.

Becoming the Mother is every woman’s birthright—regardless of whether or not she raises children. The Mother is who we needed as a child, who we were meant to be in this life, and who the world needs us to be now.
Wilson teaches that while pre-patriarchal cultures honored women’s natural cycles, today’s society infantilizes women, idolizing youthful traits such as “pretty, pleasing, and polite” in order to keep us distracted and dependent. While a healthy version of the Maiden will always remain part of us, there comes a time when we must no longer let her wounds and immaturity guide our lives. We must step into our mature, feminine fullness.
In this journey, you will travel with Inanna—the ancient Sumerian goddess who ventured through the Underworld to meet her severed, dark sister and emerged fully integrated and empowered, giving us an archetypal map to inner strength and wholeness.
Through personal stories, rituals, teachings, and practices, Wilson helps women heal the Mother Wound and dismantle our internalized patriarchy with its false, constricting standards for the feminine, so we may live with authenticity and feast on the richness of life. “Midlife is not, as our culture proposes, where a woman’s power ends,” writes Wilson, “but where it really begins.”

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Wether you prefer a paperback or audiobook, lets connect and broaden our minds and hearts with a life-changing book.

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Fresh Air Community Acupuncture

Fresh Air Community Acupuncture

Community acupuncture is the practice of offering simplified treatments to several people at the same time, at a lower cost to patients. In this context, Anneliese will be offering 30 minute mini sessions, in comfortable chairs, in the fresh air outside the office, selecting points on arms, legs and auricle (ear). Reserve your seat here.


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