Under the scope of TCM is Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Cupping, Moxibustion, Auricular Therapy, TuiNa and QiGong.
These modalities are employed as indicated by the health picture of the patient, which points to the most prominent feature of this medicine: It looks to bring balance within the internal environment of the individual, in their unique presentation as they have been shaped by their external environment.

Humans exist in an environment, and are an environment. We are a microcosm of a macrocosm. Within, all the elements of nature play through us: Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, and Fire. These elements in balance give rise to physical health, mental health, and spiritual health. When our elements are out of flow with natural order, we experience all definitions of pain, dis-ease, emotional imbalance, and symptoms that we’ve resigned to accept as unique body quirks. Through four millennia of research the Chinese have observed human health and the influence of elements from within and without. Traditional Chinese Medicine is the art of bringing these forces back to homeostasis. The natural state of a human being is to feel happy, healthy and free. That is possible and accessible to you through TCM.
Through the metal polarity of acupuncture needles, we access the potential of small vortexes in energetic rivers; an acupoint within a pathway. Within these we access a call-to-action from the innate self-regulating power of the body. The electro-magnetic message naturally stimulates the optimal function of that meridian and element.

PreNatal health for mama and baby can be supported through moxibustion during pregnancy and the trying fourth trimester. This practice increases the immunity, intelligence and strength of a forming fetus’ development.
The resilience of new fathers and new mothers can be supplemented at home with elegant and easy moxa treatments to offset sleepless nights and increased energy expenditure. I’d love to show you how you can take care of your family at home.
Where acupuncture regulates energy flow, moxibustion nourishes it’s quality, vibrance. Called Moxa for short, moxibustion is the practice of safely burning an herb called Mugwort on an acupoint. Depending on the presentation, Moxibustion can be key in restoring fertility, exhaustion, immunity, strength, and even gently turning a gestating baby from breech to the proper position for birth.

This practice moves stagnated blood and Qi that’s stuck from traumatic or athletic injuries, repetitive motion, and stagnated emotions within muscular tissue, bringing instant relief.
Auricular Therapy
The ear gives us a powerful holographic access to the brain. It is a map of the physical body, including bones, musculature, organs, and hormones. In treatment, these can be needled, and they can also be stimulated with ear ‘seeds’. These are applied to the ear in little stickers to extend the work we can accomplish in the office, and continue to stimulate a specific message in the brain as you go on through your week.
Golden Therapeutics offers Auricular Therapy to groups in gatherings, meetings, corporate events, and to public service professionals. This branch of acupuncture is convenient to apply to several people at at time, without disrobing or even needing a table to lay down. The NADA Protocol for example is often performed in Veterans Hospitals for PTSD and chronic pain, in substance addiction recovery centers to support sobriety, in catastrophic events for first responders, and victims of trauma. Auricular medicine can also be implemented in opportunities where families are treated as a whole when experiencing grief, divorce, and trauma; a key complement to group therapy and support harmony during difficult conversations.